rare occasion

美 [rer əˈkeɪʒn]英 [reə(r) əˈkeɪʒn]
  • 为数不多的场合
rare occasionrare occasion
  1. My mother , who is just shy of five feet tall , is normally incredibly soft-spoken , but on the rare occasion when she got angry , she was terrifying .


  2. I feel it to be a rare occasion , occurring as it does only once in many years .


  3. It was a rare occasion because we hardly only get together few times in a year as a big family .


  4. On the rare occasion where you might still get this error message , consider doubling the configuration parameter again .


  5. Bass : It 's a rare occasion to celebrate the merging of two families .


  6. The concert was a rare occasion for European audiences to enjoy a mixture of music and Chinese calligraphy .


  7. On the rare occasion I 'm asked , I tell the salesperson I spent eight years in the newspaper business .


  8. It is a rare occasion when the moon does pass more or less directly before or behind the earth , an eclipse occurs .


  9. On the rare occasion that a laptop does cause a fire , it 's because of something like a defect in the wiring .


  10. This mimicry almost got me into trouble , when , on a rare occasion , the professor called on me to answer a question .


  11. In this case , you can try going to the Mobile Network Settings , and turning data off and on ; seemed to work for me on the rare occasion it happened .


  12. For all the bleakness in Wilmer 's performance , on the rare occasion that he allowed Holmes some humour ...


  13. For a web designer whether you work in a design agency , a design department of a large company , or as a freelancer it 's a rare occasion that you embark on a project totally on your own .


  14. On the rare occasion that we have to postpone a dinner now , they jokingly-or not so jokingly-say , ' Don 't think this won 't come up in your review . '


  15. Marius had lived in the house for a tolerably long time , and he had had , as we have said , but very rare occasion to see , to even catch a glimpse of , his extremely mean neighbors .


  16. However , we also thought that all the other zones could be statically configured with a pre-defined set of traffic rules that we would only modify on a rare occasion & in other words , use both methods where they make the most sense .


  17. When it comes to choosing the wine to have with dinner , on the rare occasion that I get to take my girlfriend out , I avoid going for the cheapest bottle , as this makes me look , er , cheap .


  18. I 'll walk - Dan : No , come on , I 'm I was kidding , I was kidding You going to Brooklyn ? - Bass : It 's a rare occasion to celebrate the merging of two families .


  19. Dine with Professor Chan Yan Chong on this rare investment occasion and gain insights into the Hong Kong and regional stock markets , and the opportunities and risks that present .
